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We are a group of digital rights, security, and cybersecurity experts committed to delivering top-notch IT services to news media organizations, bloggers, journalists, and other individuals who depend on technology for their work. Our mission revolves around ensuring our partners remain secure, well-informed, and efficient in the fast-paced digital world, while proactively protecting them from cybersecurity threats.

Recognizing the indispensable role technology plays in the media sector, we focus on empowering our partners by tailoring solutions to their specific requirements. From establishing secure communication channels and executing advanced cybersecurity measures to offering training on the most recent software and tools, we are dedicated to keeping our partners at the forefront of their industry and safeguarding them from potential risks.

Our Mission

Jidar is a forward-thinking organization dedicated to digital rights and digital security. Our primary focus is empowering media professionals—journalists, bloggers, news organizations—and others reliant on technology in their operations.

Navigating the Digital Landscape

In an ever-evolving digital world, the need for secure, reliable, and innovative technological solutions is paramount. At Jidar, we ensure our partners are equipped to navigate this landscape securely and productively.

Customized Services

Our offerings are designed to cater to the unique needs of each partner. We provide an array of services, including digital security consulting, secure communication channel setup, cybersecurity education & training, strategic IT consulting, risk assessment & management, and threat monitoring and response.

Education and Training

We place strong emphasis on education and training. Ensuring that our partners are up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices is at the heart of what we do.

Digital Rights Advocacy

Beyond our services, Jidar is a passionate advocate for digital rights. We envision a secure, open, and equitable internet for all, and we work tirelessly to realize this vision.

Partnership with Purpose

In partnering with Jidar, organizations secure not just their digital journey but also contribute to a safer and more accessible digital world.

Our Commitment

“Empowering Your Digital Journey, Safeguarding Your Future” – that’s our commitment at Jidar. We stand proud as a beacon of security in the vast digital landscape, championing digital rights and security for all.

our services


Conduct comprehensive digital security risk assessments and develop strategies to manage and mitigate these risks, crucial for media organizations handling sensitive information.


Offering expertise to secure digital assets against various forms of cyber threats.


Provide workshops, seminars, and coaching to develop essential skills for navigating the digital landscape safely and effectively.


Providing expert guidance on formulating and implementing digital policies to protect user data and ensure compliance with regulations.


Provide continuous monitoring of cyber threats and rapid response to security incidents to ensure uninterrupted operations.


Providing services to investigate security breaches, understand their causes, and prevent future incidents.

2022 Cyber Crime Statistics

The sheer magnitude of data in the digital world is staggering and projected to grow exponentially. As per estimates, by the year 2025, the global data pool will amount to a staggering 175 zettabytes – a number so large it is followed by 21 zeros. This tremendous volume of data encompasses various facets of our lives, including entertainment such as streaming videos, personal aspects like dating apps, and highly sensitive data like healthcare databases. The task of ensuring the security of such a vast array of data is undeniably crucial.

DDoS Attack Mitigated

Discovered Vulnerabilities
The Cost Of Cybercrime
Phishing Attacks Increased

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Leveraging the Power of Secure Communication Tools for Journalists and Bloggers

In today’s digital age, where information flows freely and rapidly, the need for secure communication is more critical than ever, particularly for journalists and bloggers. With the responsibility of protecting their sources, maintaining privacy, and ensuring the integrity of their work, they must utilize secure communication tools to safeguard their communications from prying eyes.

In this article, we will explore several secure communication tools, including encrypted messaging apps, secure email services, and VPNs. We will also discuss their benefits and limitations, and how Jidar can help journalists and bloggers choose the right tools and set up secure communication channels tailored to their needs.


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Rising Cybersecurity Threats in the Media Industry and How to Stay Protected

The media industry, comprising journalists, bloggers, and news organizations, has always been a key target for cyber-attacks. With the increasing reliance on digital platforms for news dissemination and public discourse, these threats have only intensified. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, understanding and preparing for these threats becomes crucial.


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Don’t leave your data vulnerable to cyber threats

    more information

    Please feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries or requests. Our team is dedicated to providing prompt responses to all your questions. Contact us today, and we assure you a swift response at the earliest possible opportunity!